The Disappearing Jazz Club curates pop-up jazz events in remarkable yet typically inaccessible locations, from hidden vaults with secret entrances to iconic landmarks normally off limits to the public after hours.

Our locations may be temporary, but the experiences are timeless.

As part of The Disappearing Jazz Club, these sometimes forgotten and unique spaces are temporarily transformed into vibrant social hubs.

Every visit offers a one-of-a-kind blend of sensational live music, innovative cocktails, and immersive atmospheres in the most unexpected and fascinating locations.

Giving Back

Beyond our ambition to organise London’s most coveted Jazz nights, we are driven to inspire and enable the next generation of Jazz.

By hosting free events for underserved communities and youth groups as well as involving many young, up-an coming artists, we strive to increase opportunity and accessibility for the next generation.

We also donate 10% of our profits from every event to The National Youth Jazz Orchestra, an organisation dedicated to making jazz and creative music-making more accessible to early-career musicians, young people, and audiences across the country.